to the is an of the in the of .
To what do you agree or ?
The late 20th has with a of to a large . On the one hand ,it is for the sake of the of our life ;on the other ,it is the human ‘ 傲慢that leads to the .
Human have had a on the , since the time of the , when began to be over used as well as toxic into the air in huge . ,the of the of as for mines, water and fuels .An array of jobs being and made, , and thus the well-being of has ,the has being in a that are with due to poor air and the of in with . At the first , the we did on our land ; soon ,the earth takes on as if we were its
We do live a more life to that in the past , and this in an for human race that we are 无所不能的 .Some high speed of how the it on the earth; some the in order to earn ; who have not the of take for ,not to the in a way of life style. All these come from the and ; if not from the ,the will till one day when we could not stand .
, a for and we would our than a place for our next . In the long run , our world may be far than to other .